2024 Update – this one hasn’t aged well…

Do it for them.
I know you are sick of my constant resistance to the president elect. But consider this: My daughter and her husband have been serving in the military since 2000; she’s now a LTC doing critical work for CBRNE Command (that’s chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosive). Both are stunned that a clueless, volatile internet troll who has zero diplomatic skill and consistently goes against protocol will be their commander. In fact, earlier this year 50 national security experts warned about this danger.
So, please consider emailing the letter below to Electors. They were put in place for exactly this reason. Ask them to do their job to protect our country and democracy.
Send 5-10 at a time (so it’s not spammy) BCC to the Electors (list below).
Dear Elector,
My name is (your name), and I live in (your city, state). I didn’t understand the electoral college and your importance as an elector before, but now I am amazed at the wisdom and foresight of the founding fathers in giving you the power to do just what they intended to prevent a potential tyrant from taking over the office of President. I respectfully ask that you exercise that power to refrain from voting for Donald Trump.
His childish Tweets are clear evidence that Donald Trump is not fit to be President, and has no regard for the Constitution of the United States that he would be sworn to uphold. He shows a total disregard for the protocols of the office, has serious conflicts of interest, and doesn’t have the diplomacy, experience, wisdom, objectivity or humility to safely carry out the tasks of the Presidency. In addition, he has brought bigotry, hatred, and religious persecution to the forefront, and said and done things that are shocking, offensive, and dangerous. I am frightened for the future of our country.
As you know Donald Trump only garnered 1/4 of the potential voters in the country and less than 1/2 of the votes that were cast, and Clinton has won the popular vote by over 2 million votes. The saddest thing about all of this is that people believed the false news they were fed through social media.
I implore you to please consider becoming a faithless elector, as Alexander Hamilton provided for, to show our country and the world that our democracy really does work.
Thank you for your kind consideration. I appreciate your service to our electoral process.


ELECTORS (diced up for your convenience)
bash@paulashmgt.com, sharongiese08@yahoo.com, jerry@nationalnnn.com, paddywagon@cox.net, agutier@azgohs.gov, jane518@cox.net, governordaugaard@state.sd.us,

ashley.mcmillan@cloudcorp.net, mark.kahrs@house.ks.gov, mark@kahrsforkansas.com, ron@treasurer.ks.gov, clay.l.barker@gmail.com, kellyarnold@yahoo.com, irelandwinslow@att.net,

info@maldonadoortho.com, ccrawford@wallacesaunders.com,
tom.brown@mail.house.gov, gyclerk@centurytel.net, keithg@pinncom.com, swright028@yahoo.com, info@trahanlaw.com, lharsch@nobts.edu,

c21gil@yahoo.com, louisavallone@mac.com, kaykelloggkatz@usa.net,
vern.breland@yahoo.com, lennierhys@cox.net, glendapollard@cox.net, info@montinotary.com
jbatt@cityofno.com, raymondgriffinjr@yahoo.com, sbeckley@indiana.gop, lauracampbellforcouncil@gmail.com, jcardwell@indiana.gop,

jcardwell@jeffcardwell.com, donald.hayes@twc.com, rlkpatrick55@gmail.com, ethan_manning@yahoo.com, manningauctions@gmail.com,
esimcox@indianaenergy.org,chuck@clwilliamscompanies.com, ronpfoster@yahoo.com, info@patrickmorrisey.com, ann@annurling.com,

urlingfortreasurer@gmail.com, macwarner@warnerforsos.com,
will.hickman@sbcglobal.net, landonestay@gmail.com, shellie.surles@gmail.com, sactx@sbcglobal.net, tinagibsonsd17srec@gmail.com, muenzler@texas.net,

texas24elector@gmail.com, marian.knowlton@gmail.com, rteter@dpisd.org, jewett@williamsoncountygop.org, loren@lorenbyers.com, 

wgreene@southtexascollege.edu, info@seanparnellak.com,
carolynleman@gmail.com, arwcyes@yahoo.com, kimtrvs@gmail.com, kimbabler@hotmail.com, brianwestrate@gmail.com, bradcourtney1@yahoo.com, katzkiernan@att.net, dan@feyenforsenate.com,
jason.mumpower@cot.tn.gov, c.holiway@att.net, lynnedavisrealtor@gmail.com, cedesigners@frontiernet.net, gopdrewster@att.net,

azevedo@negia.net, bburdette@doe.k12.ga.us, lhdill@surfsouth.com, randy.evans@dentons.com,
bobbie@bdfrantz.com, rblittle.gop@gmail.com, mccord0304@gmail.com, kshook@oconeeschools.org,
dcd123navyman@yahoo.com, medsingleton@gmail.com, tmsheldon1776@gmail.com, bbozzuto@pagop.org,
bbozzuto@northallegheny.org, tchristian@dmgs.com, mdowning@pagop.org, mferraro@northamptoncounty.org,
robgleasongop@gmail.com, joycehaas1@yahoo.com, khare@penn.com, jmcerlane@lambmcerlane.com, tpickett@pahousegop.com, pickett528@gmail.com,

areilly@swartzcampbell.com, csides3@comcast.net, rws@jdsw.com,
lawrence.tabas@obermayer.com, christinejtoretti@mac.com,sheriffbunny@comcast.net, dylan@iowagop.org, rcarlisle@nd.gov