
Here’s a list of books and links to get you started.  There’s a huge universe of resources online. Be careful not to buy into the disease model of ethanol addiction; you are NOT powerless. I’ll be adding new resources often. Make sure to check out the Surf the Urge links. They’ll come in handy for sure! And don’t forget to meditate just a few minutes a day. You’ve got this.

Try Annie’s free 30-Day Alcohol Experiment. It’s FREE!
I am a Naked Mind affiliate! thisnakedmindaudioPlease order the audio program from my link!
Here’s the link the a 4-part FREE video course

and if you want to go all the way, here’s the risk-free 30-day video coaching.

I am happy to announce that I am an affiliate of Lee Davy’s The Truth About Alcohol.
Please use my links if you subscribe to his programs. He offers scholarships, and also has lots of free stuff.

The Truth About Alcohol 3-month program
The Alcohol Monologues
Finding Meaning & Purpose through the Art of Story




Surf the Urge

Social Media

