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I recommend making a project of experimenting with all kind of ethanol-free drinks. The earlier recipes I tried were a great distraction at cocktail time (and so crazy I’ve delete them). Now I’ve simplified.
The De-Cider Pour over ice 3 parts apple cider 1 part lemon juice a couple dashes of bitters a healthy dash of cayenne pepper
Lemon First Aid Over ice throw a shot of lemon juice. Same amount of Pacific almond milk and a couple drops of almond exract Stir it up, and add seltzer to taste. Sweeten if you like.
The Placebo In a nice rocks glass, pour over ice 4 parts soda, 1 part lemon juice. Add a dash of orange bitters and cayenne pepper. Garnish with lemon wedge. I’d throw some Reed’s ginger beer on this too. Sweeten if you like.
The KomGetcha (just made that up) half asian pear ginger kombucha, half seltzer with a splash of lemon juice and a dash of orange bitters.
The Elder Brewtser (local pilgrim name) In a rocks glass Sparkling water on ice a capful of Elderflower Cordial a couple of drops (hardly any) Orange Blossom water Optional – a shake of Regan’s orange bitters (it has alcohol, so if you’re worried about awakening the beast, skip this ingredient)
The Terrific Tonic On the rocks – lemon fizzy water, a splash of Jack Rudy elderflower tonic, and a shake of Regan’s orange bitters. Note: Regan’s has ethanol, so if you’re worried about awakening the beast, get Fee Brothers bitters which is AF.
The Q – My new favorite switchflipper on the rocks
3/4 seltzer
1/4 Q tonic or Fever Tree lemon tonic
a few drops of juniper berry extract
a dash of orange bitters
The Tea-Total
A new summer switchflipper: First make a half gallon of lavender St John’s wort ice tea:
3 black tea bags
1 heaping T culinary grade lavender
1 heaping T St John’s Wort or 2 tea bags (it grows like a weed in my garden, so I cut it and dry it and make tea – it’s a natural antidepressant)
In a 2 qt glass pitcher pour boiling water to make tea (I use a big tea ball for the loose st j’s and lavender)
Let it steep for half hour; remove bags, and add
1/4 c lemon juice and 1/4 c honey. This makes a great iced tea just as it is.
Tea Total Two
Over ice, half lemon seltzer and half tea, add a couple dashes of orange bitters.
Yummy and refreshing!
Recent discovery – DRY brand sparkling cucumber. I cut it with about half sparkling water. It’s light and refreshing. A shake of orange bitters adds another dimension to it, but it’s great plain too.
Nomosa – 3/4ths Pelligrino, 1/4 OJ (fresh squeezed is best) Garnish with fraspberries. The perfect compliment to brunch.